How old is Slump6s? When is Slump6s's birthday? Where is Slump6s born? Where did Slump6s grow up from? What's Slump6s's age?

Slump6s Born: 2004 (age 18years), Rochester, NY

How about Slump6s's full name?

Slump6s Full name: Namil Bridges

How about Slump6s's record label?

Slump6s Record label: A Field Trip Recordings/Geffen Records, Universal Music Group

How did Slump6s get famous?

After making a dent in the audience in 2020 with 'Spark,' he has amassed millions of Spotify streams and nearly 200 thousand monthly regular listeners.

How old is slump6?

After making a dent in the audience in 2020 with 'Spark,' he has amassed millions of Spotify streams and nearly 200 thousand monthly regular listeners.

What genre is Slump6s?

After making a dent in the audience in 2020 with 'Spark,' he has amassed millions of Spotify streams and nearly 200 thousand monthly regular listeners.

How many monthly listeners does Slump6s have?

After making a dent in the audience in 2020 with 'Spark,' he has amassed millions of Spotify streams and nearly 200 thousand monthly regular listeners.
