How old is Laurie Gelman? When is Laurie Gelman's birthday? Where is Laurie Gelman born? Where did Laurie Gelman grow up from? What's Laurie Gelman's age?

Laurie Gelman Born: 1964 (age 59years), Canada

Is Laurie Gelman married? When did Laurie Gelman get married? Who's Laurie Gelman's married to? (Who's Laurie Gelman's husband / wife)?

Laurie Gelman Spouse: Michael Gelman (m. 2000)

Does Laurie Gelman have any children? What are the names of Laurie Gelman's children? What are the ages of Laurie Gelman's children?

Laurie Gelman Children: Misha Gelman, Jamie Gelman

Laurie Gelman No plans yet! I'd love to continue the story of Jen and her crazy family but right now I'm trying to write something completely different...a story about a missing child in the 1970's. Not as much fun as a Class Mom book thats for sure. After this I think I'll want to get back into Jen's head for a while.

Laurie Gelman No plans yet! I'd love to continue the story of Jen and her crazy family but right now I'm trying to write something completely different...a story about a missing child in the 1970's. Not as much fun as a Class Mom book thats for sure. After this I think I'll want to get back into Jen's head for a while.
